Most days I have oatmeal with some kind of fruit in it. I don't use the packaged flavored oatmeal anymore. Ever since I discovered the big containers of regular oatmeal, I've been enjoying adding my own flavors to the oatmeal. Bananas and brown sugar...yummy. Homemade blueberry syrup mixed into oatmeal is wonderful. Peaches with a little cream, heavenly. I've often wondered what people in other countries eat for breakfast. Do they have the same sugary cereals that we seem to push on our children?
Yesterday I wanted something different to eat, so I whipped up a batch of french toast. I have yet to find french toast out that I really love. I have only been satisfied with my homemade french toast. I am always looking for ways to improve my french toast. This latest batch was fantastic. It's all in what kind of bread you use AND what you add to the egg mixture. This time I used Arnold Whole Grains Health Nut bread - mostly because it was on BOGO at Publix this past week and I had PLENTY to spare. My egg mixture included two eggs beaten well, 2 tablespoons of Coffee Mate Italian Sweet Cream creamer, and 1 teaspoon of pure vanilla extract. I soaked the bread REALLY well in this mixture and then cooked it on my cast iron pan in BUTTER (yeah real butter!) So far this has been my winning combo. Just the right amount of deliciousness from cooking in butter on the cast iron pan and creamy, custardy center from the egg mixture. I topped it with little slivers of butter and some awesome blackberry syrup. Heavenly!!!

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